Nick Stats

Showcase your achievements! Set up EasyFortniteStats to reflect your Fortnite Wins and BattlePass Level in your Discord nickname. A dynamic way to share your progress with others.

🔸Premium features

  • Faster updates - Nicks will update every 1 hour instead of every 3 hours

  • Forbid Changes - Prevent users from providing fake stats in their name

Modify Nick Stats settings

First, enter the following command. It doesn't matter if you like to set up BattlePass Level or Wins:

/setup nickstats

Enable/Disable Nick Stats

Depending on which Nick Stats type you like to set up you can press the appropriate button. Green means enabled, red means disabled.

🔸Forbid Changes [Premium only]

You can toggle this feature by pressing the button. Green means enabled, red means disabled.

Reset Settings

You can also reset all settings when you press the button in the settings selection.

Last updated